Make A Gal Fall In Love With You

by Guest User on March 26, 2012

OK guys you are here and want the magic formula to make a chick fall head over heels in love with you right? Whilst it can seem difficult here are some tips that can help you in your quest.

The system for a way to make a girl adore you

Don’t be a dork, lol. What do I mean by that? Well don’t be one of those pussy boys who lets attractive girls walk all over them. There are some guys that will persistently tell their dream girl how much they love them and all other manner of soppy things, whilst it might seem a good thing to do, it is actually in reality making you look very weak. If you’d like to determine how to make a girl fall in love with you with you then you certainly might be shocked to know that it may actually turn girls away and make them believe less of you, there is certainly undoubtedly something to be said for that ‘treat em mean, keep em keen’ mentality, to some extent anyhow.

Be a great listener, girls love to talk about themselves and be the centre of attention, what better way to give them attention than listen to them talk (probably about themselves). Make sure you are giving her the attention she deserves, if you want her as your partner then it’s worth making the effort and paying attention right? One of the worst things you can do is actually be eying up other girls whilst you are with her, this will definitely rock the apple cart in the wrong direction.

During the time you are together and engaged in conversation, it’s an important time to build up rapport with her so that she likes you. We all go through the same process, we like people that are like us, it’s hard wired into our brains. Here’s a quick tip, when in conversation (especially when she is talking) mirror her, but do it subtlety. Maybe she is sitting with legs crossed, you could do the same, or if she has arms folded you could slowly move over time to mimic her position. If she is talking fast and excited, do the same. If slow and quiet, do the same. You can get better with this the more you do it, but start off slow as you don’t want her to pick up consciously that you are copying her, or she may feel uneasy and the conversation may not go well.

One of the biggest pitfalls is getting into her friends category and its difficult to get out of there. You need to keep things on a romantic edge so that she does not just dismiss you as only ever being a friend. Use body language, words and actions to make her realise that you actually ‘fancy’ her and not just like her as a friend.

Do not make the blunder though of trying to charm her into your bed, this still may not work and will leave you out in the cold once and for all. The proper way to get a gal into your bed, is to get her to invite you!

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