How To Deal With A Narcissist – With Tips To Maintain Your Own Sanity.

by Guest User on March 7, 2012

Are you being abused and emotionally drained by a narcissist partner, parent, sibling or boss?

My first tip on how to deal with a narcissist is to know a little about how they think. The next two sentences will give you a good idea of the thought patterns of a narcissist and will start to teach you how to deal with a narcissist.

“I know that I’m better than most of those who surround me, although I’m not quite sure of the points of difference between myself and them, still I know that I’m much better than them. Other people seem to be weak, vulnerable and helpless. Most of them fail to succeed, the majority of them are depressed and the rest do not know where life will take them.

I’m not like these people and that is why I should be on the top, that is why I should be in the center of attention and that is why I should outperform them”

Yes, it’s all about ‘me’  Never about ‘you’ or ‘them’, except as inferior beings.

Firstly, the best technique to deal with a narcissist is to recognize your own narcissistic tendencies. When your own feelings of self-worth are dependent on what others think or feel about you, you make yourself vulnerable to any narcissist’s trap.

Secondly, try to have a safe haven, a place to avoid the abuse, and retain control of your own person and your own life.

Thirdly, get as far away from them as you can. Hardcore narcissists are sometimes unbearable to deal with. Sometimes you just have to walk away

Is the narcissist in your life sucking the sap out of your life, leaving you demeaned and with a broken self image? Well, It doesn’t need to any more! You will find all the secrets most do not know about how to deal with a narcissist by clicking the preceeding link.

To more information and find out the things you definitely must NOT do if you want to protect yourself, visit the Narcissistic Relationships Forum at Squidoo.

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